Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Summer Ombre

Last year was the first time that I ombred (I'm sorry but my poopy computer won't let me put an accent on the e?!)  my hair, however as much as I loved it, last year my hair was considerably longer than it is at the minute, and I also wimped out and only chose for the ends to be blond. THIS year, after having quite a lot chopped off my hair, I asked my friend Tiffany (wonderful enough to do my hair for me both times ((find her here - go check her out!)) to dye a lot more of my hair blond so that it goes further up the length, and I have to say I LOVE it, grand job Tiffany, well done *claps and cheers for you*. 

Here are a couple of garden snaps showing my new and improved hair...

The hair dye that I used was the Jerome Russell Bblonde Highlighting kit (seen below) and it really is a great and easy kit to use - I would highly recommend!! 
Although it did frighten me slightly when I saw that the contents of the bottle was bright blue!!
After seeing my own hair, my younger sister tried her hardest to persuade my mum into dying hers blond too, however in the end, they both agreed on dip dyed pink ends, which I dyed for her myself, and I have to say I' pretty pleased with how it turned out- considering it was my first ever attempt!! (My sister loves it anyway so that's the main thing hahah!) 

All in all it has been a successful couple of days and we both have shiny new hair ready for our holiday!

What are your plans for this Summer?

x Ciao x

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